Community Update: Crossings Campus Construction -May 2024
Posted on 05/01/2024
Project Name: Crossings Campus
Month / Year: May 2024
We are pleased to provide an update on the Crossings Campus construction project, located at 8825 National Blvd (Culver City) and 8888 Venice Blvd (Los Angeles). Demolition of the existing structures is complete and the project is currently progressing towards the excavation phase, which is set to start in the first week of May.
Upcoming Work/Closures
- Construction vehicles are now able to enter and exit the site via Venice Blvd. The National Blvd entrance is now closed to construction equipment and delivery vehicles.
- Building 1 Excavation will begin on May 6th, 2024 and is anticipated to last until mid- August. This activity falls under the extended construction hours temporary use permit and will commence at 5:00AM for 85 days during this period.
- In an effort to limit sound impacts and disruption to surrounding traffic, there will be a break in hauling between 7:00AM - 8:00AM during peak morning commute hours. Hauling trucks will not be allowed to idle within neighborhood streets and all work will be conducted behind the sound walls surrounding the site.
The project general contractor (Hathaway Dinwiddie) will have personnel on site to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner and members of the community are given safe passage.
Contact Information
Construction signage with contact information will be posted around the perimeter of the project, the primary points of contact are as follows:
- 24-HR Emergency Hotline - (310) 354-7412 (Operated by Hathaway Dinwiddie)
- Owner/Developer: Culver Crossing Properties LLC - Attn: Andrew Wallace - (310) 363-4709
- General Contractor: Hathaway Dinwiddie Construction Company - Attn: Greg Kearns - (310) 354-7412
- Culver City: Attn: Department of Building & Safety - (310) 253-5800
In response to community feedback, we will be shifting our monthly construction updates to quarterly updates. We will provide intermittent updates in the event there is a construction activity that impacts the surrounding vicinity.
Thank you,