Mapping SORO

Map your location within SORO and see how you fall within the different boundaries.
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SORO NC Borders

To the north

(starting at Roxbury Blvd. and heading east)
Beverly Hills border (Whitworth Dr. when west of Robertson Blvd; Gregory Way when east of Robertson Blvd.)

To the south

(starting at National Blvd. near Manning Ave. and heading east)
10 Freeway, eastbound Robertson Blvd. off ramp, Exposition Blvd., Robertson Blvd., Culver City border

To the east

(starting at Gregory Way and heading south)
Le Doux Ave., Olympic Blvd., La Cienega Blvd.

To the west

(starting at the Beverly Hills border and heading south)
Beverly Hills border near Beverly Green Dr., Pico Blvd., Motor Ave., the southern border of Hillcrest Country Club, Anchor Ave. connecting east of Girla Way to Club Dr., National Blvd.


SORO NC Borders

To the north

(starting at Roxbury Blvd. and heading east)
Beverly Hills border (Whitworth Dr. when west of Robertson Blvd; Gregory Way when east of Robertson Blvd.)

To the south

(starting at National Blvd. near Manning Ave. and heading east)
10 Freeway, eastbound Robertson Blvd. off ramp, Exposition Blvd., Robertson Blvd., Culver City border

To the east

(starting at Gregory Way and heading south)
Le Doux Ave., Olympic Blvd., La Cienega Blvd.

To the west

(starting at the Beverly Hills border and heading south)
Beverly Hills border near Beverly Green Dr., Pico Blvd., Motor Ave., the southern border of Hillcrest Country Club, Anchor Ave. connecting east of Girla Way to Club Dr., National Blvd.


south robertson NC

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