SORO Street Repair Blitz

Street Blitz repairs

Report your problematic potholes and unsound sidewalks!

Mayor Garcetti introduced the Street Blitz progam in 2013. It sends dedicated teams to each of the City's 96 Neighborhood Councils to repair as many potholes, sidewalks, and curbs as they can fit in a day. Once a quarter, our Transportation committee sends SORO's most pressing project requests.

While the repairs tend to be smaller projects that can be fixed with asphalt, we've also used reports from community to help the City prioritize larger projects (including an amazing amount of street resurfacing). Since its inception, the Bureau of Street Services has fixed over 40 sidewalks and filled well over 50 potholes in SORO. They've repaved more than a dozen streets entirely.

The Transportation committee needs YOUR submissions for our Blitz list using the form below. Even if Street Services can't get to your issue immediately, rest assured we'll keep it on our project list for future repair.

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