Elected Representatives

District maps for each office may be found at our Mapping SORO page.

City of Los Angeles


Mayor Eric Garcetti

West Los Angeles Area Representative: Vishesh Anand

Mayor's official site
[email protected]

City Hall Office

Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti
1645 Corinth Avenue
Room 103-1C
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Council President Herb Wesson (District 10)

District 10 represents the east side of Robertson Blvd. up to 18th Street.

Field Deputy: Mayra Guevara

Council District 10 official site
[email protected]

City Hall Office

200 North Spring Street, Room 430
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-473-7010

Field Office

1819 S. Western Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90006

Councilmember Paul Koretz (District 5)

District 5 represents the west side of Robertson Blvd. and the east side above 18th Street.

Field Deputy: James Ingram

Council District 5 official site
[email protected]

City Hall Office

200 North Spring Street, Room 440
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-473-7005

Field Office

6380 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Los Angeles Unified School District


George McKenna (District 1)

District 1 represents all of SORO.

Dr. McKenna's site
[email protected]

Field Office

5120 11th Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90043
Phone: 323-298-3411

Direct correspondence to:

Office of Board Member Dr. George J. McKenna III
333 S. Beaudry Avenue, 24th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: 213-241-6382
Fax: 213-241-8441

Los Angeles County


Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas (District 2)

District 2 represents most of SORO, except the area north of Pico (west of Robertson).

County District 2 official site
[email protected]

County Office

866 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-974-2222

Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (District 3)

District 3 represents the area north of Pico (west of Robertson).

County District 3 official site
[email protected]

County Office

821 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-974-3333

State of California


Governor Gavin Newsom

State of California official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

Governor Gavin Newsom
1303 10th Street, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Assemblymember Richard Bloom (District 50)

District 50 represents the area north of Cashio (west of Robertson) and north of Pico (east of Robertson).

Field Representative: Josh Kurpies

Assembly District 50 official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

P.O. Box 942849, Room 2179
Sacramento, CA 94249-0050

District Office

2800 28th Street, Suite 105
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager-Dove (District 54)

District 54 represents the area south of Cashio (west of Robertson) and south of Pico (east of Robertson).

District Representative: Victoria Browder

Assembly District 54 official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0054

District Office

5601 W Slauson Ave, Suite 200
Culver City, CA 90230

Senator Holly J. Mitchell (District 30)

District 30 represents most of SORO, except the area north of Pico (west of Robertson).

Field Representative: Sonia Lopez

State Senate District 30 official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 5050
Sacramento, CA 95814

Los Angeles Office

Wallis Annenberg Building
700 State Dr., Suite 113
Los Angeles, CA 90037

Senator Ben Allen (District 26)

District 26 represents the area north of Pico (west of Robertson).

Field Representative: Eugene Tseng

State Senate District 26 official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

State Capitol, Room 2054
Sacramento, CA 95814

District Office

2512 Artesia Blvd., #320
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-3279

Federal Government


U.S. Representative Karen Bass (District 37)

District 37 represents all of SORO.

37th Congressional District official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

408 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515

District Office

4929 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 650
Los Angeles, CA 90010

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris

Official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

District Office

312 N. Spring St. Suite 1748
Los Angeles, CA 90012

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein

Official site
Email contact form

Capitol Office

331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

District Office

11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915
Los Angeles, CA 90025

President Donald Trump

Official site
Email contact form

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414


south robertson NC

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