Land Use Committee

The South Robertson Neighborhoods Council’s Land Use Committee works with city planners, developers, the community, and city council to create and maintain the vision that is SORO. We discuss public housing, mixed-use construction, bus lanes, green spaces, and everything in between.

Our job would not be possible without the help and support of stakeholders like yourselves. We instruct applicants before meeting with the Land Use Committee that they outreach to the stakeholders surrounding each project. We ask that the applicant mails a notice of the proposed project and when they are appearing before the Land Use Committee. We depend upon stakeholder input to help guide our decisions. If you have comments or questions for current or future projects, or general questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

For Property Owners, Development Teams & Project Managers who desire to present and request recommendation for support from Land Use Committee please complete this additional form: online form here

Agenda Requests

The Land Use Committee conducts its business by reviewing and prioritizing agenda requests for Board action (generally either in the form of a motion or letter) or announcements submitted by stakeholders, governmental entities and other interested individuals and organizations. Land Use Committee Committee has the discretion to postpone a request, refer it to a specific committee for review and recommendation, treat it as an announcement or consider and resolve it as a non-Board administrative matter.

CLICK HERE to fill out an Agenda Request.

Regular Meeting Times and Locations

The 1st Tuesday of each month 7pm in-person @ new location: Howard and Irene Levine Senior Community @ 8862 W. Pico Blvd, LA 90035 - 3rd floor Community Room

Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Documents)

If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email,
click here and sign up by checking the NC box.

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© 2024

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